Inconceivable — Not Pregnant
F is for...
Baby Dragon Birthday Chemical Pregnancy Egg Retrieval Embryo Transfer Fertility Finished In Vitro Infertility Injections IVF Miscarriage MyInfertilityStory Nephews Next Steps Not Pregnant Raspberry Real Life Tattoo Update

Hmm, it seems we are back where we started. Let’s recap, and then check some facts, and see if anything has changed. F is for fertility, which according to the dictionary means “the quality of being fertile; the ability to conceive children or young” …so basically, being able to become pregnant and deliver a baby. The flipside of which is, being infertile, or “being unable to reproduce” … so yes, opposites. Do they attract? Or do birds of a feather flock together? The world may never know. What I do know, after personal experience and a ‘lil interwebs magic, is that infertility SUCKS. I...
NIAW '19
Aunt Flo Baby Dragon Beta Day Delestrogen Egg Retrieval Embryo Transfer ERA Fertility In Vitro Infertility Infertility Awareness InfertilityUncovered Injections IVF Negative Next Steps NIAW Not Pregnant PIO Prayer Progesterone Real Life Update

It's National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) again and this year's theme is #infertilityuncovered #NIAW19 So, let’s get uncomfortable. Let's talk about the #1in8 couples who are diagnosed with infertility. Last year I focused on the facts, this year I’m focusing on me. No sugar-coating here, so buckle up. In case you missed it, or need a refresher here's part 1: My first facebook post about our struggle This week also means it has now been over *4.5 YEARS* since Chad and I started trying to start a family. To some people, that may seem ridiculously long, but to others, that's just the tip of...
T is for...
Baby Dragon Birthday Fertility Infertility IVF Not Pregnant Real Life Update Wine

Tomorrow is my birthday. My 30th birthday. T is for thirty. It would also have been our due date if the May 22nd transfer would have worked. It might be a little rough. I'm not really looking forward to it. I planned on having a toddler by the time I was thirty. Instead, I'm still waiting. Impatiently much as I try...patience is a virtue, and I seem to be running low on that one lately. We're going out for dinner, with our neighbors. To a fancy restaurant. Where I will eat. And drink. Possibly a lot. I'm pretty sure I'm...
R is for...
Nephews Not Pregnant Prayer Real Life Resent Suicide Wine

My sister in law committed suicide on September 29th. It's been a lot. A lot of changes. A lot of emotions. A lot of resent. R is for resent. She left FOUR children behind. A 14 year old boy (P). An 8 year old girl (B). Both from previous relationships, but still my family. She and my brother had two children together. My sweet, sassy, cuddly nephews. One celebrated their 2nd birthday 1 week after her passing (L). The other, less than 18 months older, is now 3.5 (G). She had her demons—don't we all. She struggled with substance abuse. Kratom....
H is for...
Aunt Flo Baby Dragon Fertility Infertility Next Steps Not Pregnant

How did we get here. H is for Hell. The period from Hell. AF has shown her face, and boy is she pissed. Cramps, back pain, PMS like you wouldn't believe. Poor Chad... I want to curl up in bed with the heating pad and the cat, but I have orders to fill. Ugh. At least this gets us one step closer to - well, whatever our next step is. We go in on the 18th to find out. Wish us luck, we need it.