Inconceivable — Chemical Pregnancy
F is for...
Baby Dragon Birthday Chemical Pregnancy Egg Retrieval Embryo Transfer Fertility Finished In Vitro Infertility Injections IVF Miscarriage MyInfertilityStory Nephews Next Steps Not Pregnant Raspberry Real Life Tattoo Update

Hmm, it seems we are back where we started. Let’s recap, and then check some facts, and see if anything has changed. F is for fertility, which according to the dictionary means “the quality of being fertile; the ability to conceive children or young” …so basically, being able to become pregnant and deliver a baby. The flipside of which is, being infertile, or “being unable to reproduce” … so yes, opposites. Do they attract? Or do birds of a feather flock together? The world may never know. What I do know, after personal experience and a ‘lil interwebs magic, is that infertility SUCKS. I...
Hopes and Dreams
Baby Dragon Beta Day Chemical Pregnancy Embryo Transfer Fertility In Vitro Infertility IVF Miscarriage MyInfertilityStory Negative Prayer Real Life Update

Today was our due date. July has been rough. What should have been a happy month, where we finally got to meet our sweet bundle of joy, ended with a harsh reminder that they're gone. On top of all that, we had another embryo transfer. The date 7.14.21 -surely- had to be a sign, with 7 being my lucky number. With beta 10ish days later, we were hoping for some good news, just in time. We got it. On Wednesday the 21st, my home test showed two lines. With a plan to start blood thinner injections before discontinuing the steroid,...