Inconceivable — Nephews
F is for...
Baby Dragon Birthday Chemical Pregnancy Egg Retrieval Embryo Transfer Fertility Finished In Vitro Infertility Injections IVF Miscarriage MyInfertilityStory Nephews Next Steps Not Pregnant Raspberry Real Life Tattoo Update
Hmm, it seems we are back where we started. Let’s recap, and then check some facts, and see if anything has changed. F is for fertility, which according to the dictionary means “the quality of being fertile; the ability to conceive children or young” …so basically, being able to become pregnant and deliver a baby. The flipside of which is, being infertile, or “being unable to reproduce” … so yes, opposites. Do they attract? Or do birds of a feather flock together? The world may never know. What I do know, after personal experience and a ‘lil interwebs magic, is that infertility SUCKS. I...
S is for...
Emergency Room Holidays Mother's Day Nephews Prayer Real Life Wine
Yesterday was Mother's Day here in the US. It was hard. Shitty even. S is for shitty. You'll get the pun in a few. Also, this post is not censored for profanity. I let it fly freely. It started off like any other family gathering day. Well, after I could rally myself to get out of bed. I'd much prefer to just lay there with Tallie. Wake up, eat breakfast, down some coffee, start (or finish) whatever dish I was tasked with taking. This year was dessert - cupcakes for everyone! ...Then I wished a group of fellow IVF'ers (most with...
W is for...
Baby Dragon Fertility Infertility IVF Nephews Next Steps Real Life Update
Today I contacted my Nurse Coordinator to let her know our break would be longer than we originally planned. W is for waiting. I've had my nephews quite a bit since the end of September. My brother works full time, and although the 3.5 year old (G) is in preschool, it's only 2x a week, for about 3 hours each time. My mom (Grandma) has both kids pretty much full time, so I've stepped in to help as much as I can. The 2 year old (L) is getting smarter each day, and along with that comes the sass and defiance,...
R is for...
Nephews Not Pregnant Prayer Real Life Resent Suicide Wine
My sister in law committed suicide on September 29th. It's been a lot. A lot of changes. A lot of emotions. A lot of resent. R is for resent. She left FOUR children behind. A 14 year old boy (P). An 8 year old girl (B). Both from previous relationships, but still my family. She and my brother had two children together. My sweet, sassy, cuddly nephews. One celebrated their 2nd birthday 1 week after her passing (L). The other, less than 18 months older, is now 3.5 (G). She had her demons—don't we all. She struggled with substance abuse. Kratom....