Turning my storm into someone else's rainbow
Turning my storm into someone else's rainbow
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B is for...

Baby Dragon Beta Day Embryo Transfer Fertility In Vitro Infertility IVF Negative Not Pregnant Wine

Beta day. Baffled. Buying 4 bottles of wine. 

At 10 am I had my blood drawn to check my beta hCG level, as well as estradiol (estrogen) and progesterone. Around 1 pm, while at the grocery store, I logged in to my patient portal to check for results. There they were, staring back at me.




I expected it, thanks to the home test I took when I woke up this morning...but it still hurts to have it confirmed. I headed to the snack aisle and stocked up on some sour patch kids and chips and queso.

My phone rang. It was the clinic. I sent it to voicemail. Can't break down in the middle of the store, that would be awkward. I forwarded it to Chad to listen to, in case there was something other than "so sorry" or "call on day 1 of your next cycle". He said that was about it.

Then I headed to to the wine. 4 bottles ought to do it, right?

Next, I deleted the "ultrasound" appointment from my calendar, and headed home to color and drown my sorrows until Chad got home from work.

Turns out, I only drank one bottle of wine.

...and then 2 margaritas at dinner, and then part of a 2nd bottle of wine. Oops.
Hey, did you see my new wine glass?

I mean, I'm still writing this post, so I cant be THAT bad.


UPDATE: Felt totally fine the next morning. No idea how that happened, but I'll take it.

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