Inconceivable — Baby Dragon
B is for...
Baby Dragon Beta Day Embryo Transfer Fertility In Vitro Infertility IVF Negative Not Pregnant Wine
Beta day. Baffled. Buying 4 bottles of wine. At 10 am I had my blood drawn to check my beta hCG level, as well as estradiol (estrogen) and progesterone. Around 1 pm, while at the grocery store, I logged in to my patient portal to check for results. There they were, staring back at me. <0.100 Negative. Again. I expected it, thanks to the home test I took when I woke up this morning...but it still hurts to have it confirmed. I headed to the snack aisle and stocked up on some sour patch kids and chips and queso. My phone rang....
T is for...
Baby Dragon Embryo Transfer Fertility Infertility IVF Progesterone
T is for Transfer. Embryo Transfer Day. One of the scariest, most nerve wracking days of this whole process. But with Valium, to relax the uterus. Okay, and maybe me, but just a little. Arrival time, 1:45 pm. Go time, 2:30 pm. We planned for traffic and a possible bridge lift...of course there were neither. We pulled into the parking lot at about 12:50 pm. Oops. Oh well, now we can be fidgety in front of the receptionist instead of at home. A full bladder is necessary, I am expected to drink 32 oz of clear liquids in the hour leading up...
I is for...
Baby Dragon Delestrogen Egg Retrieval Embryo Transfer Fertility In Vitro Infertility Injections IVF PIO Progesterone
So I may have lied to you all in my first post. We knew exactly when the next transfer would be. The 22nd. Two and a half weeks from today. EEK! Any of you who have been through this process know exactly what that means. Injections. I is for injections. I is also for I lied. I am a horrible person. Or a private one....however you want to look at it. After losing my father, grandmother, grandpa and great aunt all in about 18 months, I have a strong aversion to the phrases "I'm sorry" and "I'm sorry for your loss" ... almost as much...
F is for...
Baby Dragon Beta Day Delestrogen Egg Retrieval Embryo Transfer Fertility In Vitro Infertility Injections IVF Negative NIAW Not Pregnant PIO Progesterone Real Life
Today I would like to talk to you about the F word. No, not that one. I'm sure you've heard that one enough for today. This F word is different. This F word is personal. It's raw. It's real. It's painful. It's not talked about enough. Or, when it is talked about, it's dirty. No, it's still not *that* F word. Today I want to talk to you about FERTILITY, or rather about those who struggle with fertility. An even dirtier word. INfertility. There. I said it. Infertility. "Not getting pregnant despite having carefully timed, unprotected sex for one year."...