Turning my storm into someone else's rainbow
Turning my storm into someone else's rainbow
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Inconceivable — Next Steps

NIAW '19

Aunt Flo Baby Dragon Beta Day Delestrogen Egg Retrieval Embryo Transfer ERA Fertility In Vitro Infertility Infertility Awareness InfertilityUncovered Injections IVF Negative Next Steps NIAW Not Pregnant PIO Prayer Progesterone Real Life Update

NIAW '19

It's National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) again and this year's theme is #infertilityuncovered  #NIAW19 So, let’s get uncomfortable. Let's talk about the #1in8 couples who are diagnosed with infertility. Last year I focused on the facts, this year I’m focusing on me. No sugar-coating here, so buckle up. In case you missed it, or need a refresher here's part 1: My first facebook post about our struggle This week also means it has now been over *4.5 YEARS* since Chad and I started trying to start a family. To some people, that may seem ridiculously long, but to others, that's just the tip of...

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Q is for...

Aunt Flo Baby Dragon ERA Fertility Infertility Injections IVF Next Steps Update

Q is for...

Well, that was fast. Much faster than we expected. Q is for quickly. I emailed our nurse coordinator on Monday (the 25th) to let her know we are ready for this break to be over. After transferring 2 PGS normal, 5AA and 6AA embryos (basically perfect), and having both fail to implant, we are looking for some answers. We have decided to move forward with the Endometrial Receptivity Assessment (ERA—more info below) before either transferring our 3rd (and last) embryo from the first retrieval, or moving on to a second retrieval. My coordinator replied back on the 27th, asking if we...

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W is for...

Baby Dragon Fertility Infertility IVF Nephews Next Steps Real Life Update

W is for...

Today I contacted my Nurse Coordinator to let her know our break would be longer than we originally planned. W is for waiting. I've had my nephews quite a bit since the end of September. My brother works full time, and although the 3.5 year old (G) is in preschool, it's only 2x a week, for about 3 hours each time. My mom (Grandma) has both kids pretty much full time, so I've stepped in to help as much as I can. The 2 year old (L) is getting smarter each day, and along with that comes the sass and defiance,...

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D is for...

Baby Dragon IVF Next Steps Real Life Update

ORM seems to be having some communication issues, and our cycle has been cancelled due to us receiving contradicting information from one person to the next. D is for dropping the ball. Chad and I have sent a letter to ORM stating there are several issues that need to be addressed and corrected before we are willing to move forward. Aside from those issues, I really just need a break, both physically and emotionally, from all of this. The rest of this year will be IVF-stress free (if only it could be Etsy-stress free as well), and we will start over...

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C is for...

Baby Dragon Fertility Infertility Injections IVF Next Steps Update

C is for...

We got our schedule! C is for calendar. If all goes well, we will begin stims on September 14th, and egg retrieval #2 could be as soon as September 23rd! What does this mean for Vegas? Well, I can still drink, I just need to choose less sugary/carby options, which I can do...I did it last year when I went with my Mom. 🤞 All goes as planned and we can get this show on the road!  

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