A background in baking. A love for crafting.
An engagement. A terminally ill loved one.
A DIY wedding with a deadline.
Happily ever after...with an infertility diagnosis.
Throughout my infertility journey, I've been through A LOT.
I've learned. I've shared. I've connected. I've laughed. I've cried. I've drank entire bottles of wine in one sitting.
I've been supported. I've been supportive. I've been hopeful. I've been defeated. I've been the 1 in 8 -and- 1 in 4.
In these past SIX YEARS, I've realized something. People just cannot understand infertility, no matter how hard they try, unless they've been through it. Well, I've been there. I AM there. And I'm here for you. Whether you need to vent or laugh or cry, I'm here. Send me a message. I get it. I've got you. -Michaéla (1 in 8)